Friday, May 25, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Meow !! Meow !!!
I stumbled on this link which reminded me of my dear cat, whom we used to call lovingly as "Puchuski". Puchuski has been missing since Feb 2006. And since then, we were forced to shift back to our own house too. And I did not leave my forwarding address ... :(

Friday, March 09, 2007
Somebody Like You
Came in to office early today. Switched on the radio and heard the song "Somebody Like You" from the album "Golden Road" by Keith Urban. As I listened to the song, I felt I just liked this song and its lyrics must go into my blog.... so here goes....
Keith Urban - Somebody Like You Lyrics
"Somebody Like You"
There's a
new wind blowin' like I've never known.
breathin' deeper than I've ever done.
And it sure
feels good, to finally feel the way I do.
I wanna love
Love somebody like you.
I'm lettin' go of all my lonely yesterdays.
I've forgiven myself for the mistakes I've made.
Now there's just one thing, the only thing I wanna do,
I wanna love somebody,
Love somebody like
Yeah, I wanna feel the sunshine,
Shinin' down on me and you.
When you put your arms
around me,
You let me know there's nothing in this
world I can't do.
I used to run in circles
goin' no-where fast.
I'd take, uh, one step
forward and two steps back.
Couldn't walk a straight
line even if I wanted to, mmm, mmm.
I wanna love
Love somebody like you.
Whoa here we
go now!
Yeah, I wanna feel the sunshine,
Shinin' down on me and you.
When you put your arms
around me,
Well, baby there ain't nothing in this
world I can't do.
Sometimes it's hard for
me to understand,
But you're teachin' me to be a
better man.
I don't want to take this life for granted
like I used to do, no,no.
I wanna love somebody,
somebody like you.
I'm ready to love
Love somebody like you. Oooh.
I wanna love somebody,
Love somebody like you, yeah.
Oh yeah.
Oh, I wanna be the man in the middle of
the night,
Shinin' like it's true.
I wanna
be the man that you run to whenever I call on you
everything that loved someone finally found it's way
Wanna be a better man
I see it in you yeah...
Friday, March 02, 2007
Unbearable Solitude...
The last Sunday afternoon was one of the worst afternoons I have had in a very very long long time. We had a couple of relatives at our home in the morning. All of them had come to see my little nephew, the six month old, darling of the house. We had a nice time the whole morning, cracking jokes, talking about old times, playing with my nephew. But soon after lunch, my relatives had to leave. And soon after they left, it was time for my parents, my bro and s-i-l and "Cuckoo", our little Hero too to leave. They were all driving down to Kerala for a week's vacation.
I ofcourse, was having one of the most busiest weeks in office and so could not even dream of leaving town and so had to stay put and "gaurd" the house. Some time after lunch everyone drove away in my bro's car, leaving me behind to enjoy my freedom. This was not the first time that I was staying alone. I was used to staying alone since High School. I infact, relished the opportunity of staying alone in Bangalore. The unfettered freedom was a gift that I loved (and my mom hated, coz when she came back , she would be the one facing the kitchen that would have suffered at the hands of my unskilled culinary experiments.) Oh !!! how I was going to enjoy lazing at home, not having to keep the house clean, sleeping when I wanted, waking when I wanted, watching all the channels that I wanted, not having to watch all the Asianet, Surya, Kairali and DD Malayalam news channels. The joys of freedom was indeed sweet.
But not this time. This time just after a few minutes after everyone had left, I started feeling extremely lonely. I guess it was the sudden abscence of my nephew, who had been the centre of everything at home. My house which was a witness to bustling activity for the last few months, was now all of a sudden silent. I could even hear the water dripping in the kitchen sink. The whole house had an eerie feeling. It was just half of an hour since everyone had left. But I was already feeling like a lonely sailor marooned on a remote island in the middle of nowhere. I was beginning to hate it. I am sure, some of you atleast have felt the horrible feeling of loneliness sometime in your life. My problem was that I was feeling this even worse, because I was coming down from the high pedestal, that of having a happy baby in the house to suddenly not a soul in the whole house. It was so lonely, that I am sure even the spirits and ghosts that wandered around had fled.
I opened the address book in my mobile and flipped through all my friends names. I thought of calling them up and talking to them for sometime. But then felt it was so unfair. All of them get just one Sunday to spend with their better halves and I did not want to spoil it. I flipped through all the bachelors nos.... but then none of the other four bachelors were in town. They had either gone to their hometown or were out of town on work. Oh my god !!! the sudden solitude was unbearable. For probably the first time in life, I felt the abscence of a a girlfriend. I wished I had been smart enough to attract some lass to be my girlfriend. Someone whom I could talk to and feel better. I switched on the TV, hoping to catch some nice movie. But I was so terribly lonely that not even "Unfaithful" could make me feel better. I kept switching channels till I finally slept off in front of the TV.
But my peace was shortlived. The phone rang. It was my cousin sister, checking to see if my parents had indeed left as planned. I spoke to her, half sleepy, half awake. We spoke for some time and she must have assumed that I was drunk, coz I was dozing off during the conversation and she had to repeat everything a second time. I apologised to her for my rudeness and promised to call her back later. I kept the phone down and tried to put myself to sleep once more. I tried different positions. I twisted and turned. But no luck. I just could not fall asleep any more. I was wide awake and was once again having the quaint feeling of loneliness creeping in on me. I wished I had listened to my parents and got hitched. I would atleast have someone who would be bound by her oath to stay with me in my hour of need.
I switched channels once more trying to get something intresting to watch. Manchester United were playing someone else, but I really could not watch it anymore. I decided to get up and leave. I had to attend a reception in the evening, which I was trying to put off. But sitting at home was not an option anymore. I decided it would be a far better idea to attend the reception and catch up with friends. I had a quick bath and left. My evening turned out far far better than the worst afternoons in a loong time.
I ofcourse, was having one of the most busiest weeks in office and so could not even dream of leaving town and so had to stay put and "gaurd" the house. Some time after lunch everyone drove away in my bro's car, leaving me behind to enjoy my freedom. This was not the first time that I was staying alone. I was used to staying alone since High School. I infact, relished the opportunity of staying alone in Bangalore. The unfettered freedom was a gift that I loved (and my mom hated, coz when she came back , she would be the one facing the kitchen that would have suffered at the hands of my unskilled culinary experiments.) Oh !!! how I was going to enjoy lazing at home, not having to keep the house clean, sleeping when I wanted, waking when I wanted, watching all the channels that I wanted, not having to watch all the Asianet, Surya, Kairali and DD Malayalam news channels. The joys of freedom was indeed sweet.
But not this time. This time just after a few minutes after everyone had left, I started feeling extremely lonely. I guess it was the sudden abscence of my nephew, who had been the centre of everything at home. My house which was a witness to bustling activity for the last few months, was now all of a sudden silent. I could even hear the water dripping in the kitchen sink. The whole house had an eerie feeling. It was just half of an hour since everyone had left. But I was already feeling like a lonely sailor marooned on a remote island in the middle of nowhere. I was beginning to hate it. I am sure, some of you atleast have felt the horrible feeling of loneliness sometime in your life. My problem was that I was feeling this even worse, because I was coming down from the high pedestal, that of having a happy baby in the house to suddenly not a soul in the whole house. It was so lonely, that I am sure even the spirits and ghosts that wandered around had fled.
I opened the address book in my mobile and flipped through all my friends names. I thought of calling them up and talking to them for sometime. But then felt it was so unfair. All of them get just one Sunday to spend with their better halves and I did not want to spoil it. I flipped through all the bachelors nos.... but then none of the other four bachelors were in town. They had either gone to their hometown or were out of town on work. Oh my god !!! the sudden solitude was unbearable. For probably the first time in life, I felt the abscence of a a girlfriend. I wished I had been smart enough to attract some lass to be my girlfriend. Someone whom I could talk to and feel better. I switched on the TV, hoping to catch some nice movie. But I was so terribly lonely that not even "Unfaithful" could make me feel better. I kept switching channels till I finally slept off in front of the TV.
But my peace was shortlived. The phone rang. It was my cousin sister, checking to see if my parents had indeed left as planned. I spoke to her, half sleepy, half awake. We spoke for some time and she must have assumed that I was drunk, coz I was dozing off during the conversation and she had to repeat everything a second time. I apologised to her for my rudeness and promised to call her back later. I kept the phone down and tried to put myself to sleep once more. I tried different positions. I twisted and turned. But no luck. I just could not fall asleep any more. I was wide awake and was once again having the quaint feeling of loneliness creeping in on me. I wished I had listened to my parents and got hitched. I would atleast have someone who would be bound by her oath to stay with me in my hour of need.
I switched channels once more trying to get something intresting to watch. Manchester United were playing someone else, but I really could not watch it anymore. I decided to get up and leave. I had to attend a reception in the evening, which I was trying to put off. But sitting at home was not an option anymore. I decided it would be a far better idea to attend the reception and catch up with friends. I had a quick bath and left. My evening turned out far far better than the worst afternoons in a loong time.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Pearl of Wisdom
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa while explaining spiritual freedom once said....
"'If you mix milk and water, you can separate them again only after much effort. But if you convert milk to butter and keep the butter in water it will not mix.' This aptly describes the technique of living. Wisdom must be churned out of life, and, armed with that wisdom we can mix with the world, engage in any activity and live in any situation without getting diluted or lost. This is spiritual freedom in its perfection.
"'If you mix milk and water, you can separate them again only after much effort. But if you convert milk to butter and keep the butter in water it will not mix.' This aptly describes the technique of living. Wisdom must be churned out of life, and, armed with that wisdom we can mix with the world, engage in any activity and live in any situation without getting diluted or lost. This is spiritual freedom in its perfection.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
One interesting forward that I received today....
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
you can raed tihs psas it on !!
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
you can raed tihs psas it on !!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Doing good may not be enough.....
Dr S. Radhakrishna was berating the modern young men and women in one of his lectures, about their lack of beleif in religion, "I do not beleive in metaphysics or religion. I beleive in doing good. That is my philosophy", he said was the thinking of the modern young men and women. This was precisely what I subscribed to. I always beleived that "doing good" was enough. I need not bother about metaphysics, religion or philosophy. I read on.... curious to know how I was going to be proven as wrong. Next was another sloka with an interesting comparison....
Curious I read further to see what the sloka meant.....A man who is not aware of his divine nature is like a man living in a deep cavern where sunlight has never entered. He who ignores this ever present reality of the Self is keeping away light and clutching at shadows. "ātmahana" means people who kill themselves. BY neglecting our true nature, by ignoring it and by clutching at the shadows of the non-Self all the time, we commit suicide; suicide of the most serious kind. In an ordinary suicide, only the body is killed, which is something external to us, but here we kill ourselves, our real Self.
Interesting thought.........
Asuryā nāma te lokāḥ andhena tamasāvṛtāḥ
Tāṁste pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātmahano janāh-
Tāṁste pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātmahano janāh-
Curious I read further to see what the sloka meant.....A man who is not aware of his divine nature is like a man living in a deep cavern where sunlight has never entered. He who ignores this ever present reality of the Self is keeping away light and clutching at shadows. "ātmahana" means people who kill themselves. BY neglecting our true nature, by ignoring it and by clutching at the shadows of the non-Self all the time, we commit suicide; suicide of the most serious kind. In an ordinary suicide, only the body is killed, which is something external to us, but here we kill ourselves, our real Self.
Interesting thought.........
Friday, January 19, 2007
Cool Interactive Web Radio
You are busy at work and you wanted to listen to some music according to the mood you are in. And you don't have the time right now to go around searching for the music that suits your mood. Of course you never got around to classifying all the songs in your huge music collection. And you wish that someone has already done that for you. Well.... you are in luck !!! somebody has actually done that for you.
Musicovery : interactive webRadio
Was surfing the net this morning when I happened to come upon this wonderfully nice interactive Web Radio. I was fascinated by their concept. I wish something like that existed with Hindi songs too......
Musicovery : interactive webRadio
Was surfing the net this morning when I happened to come upon this wonderfully nice interactive Web Radio. I was fascinated by their concept. I wish something like that existed with Hindi songs too......
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
New Year Tree House !!!
It was the last day of the year 2006. I was sitting in the second floor balcony of my house feeling really gloomy. Yes, it was an eventful 2006, so many nice things had happened. I was sad to let go off it. But then the upcoming New Year would be no less beautiful, I am sure. So, that was not the reason I was gloomy.
The whole of the 2006 I had dreamt of having a house of my own, my first and only piece of real asset that I would have had on this whole big world. The only space that I could call as belonged to me, the one which I had earned from my own money. Not something that my father or grandfather had worked hard for and that I got on a platter. This was something for which I would have toiled. I always dreamt of one such place all my life. But this year, those dreams had begun to take shape and color. I had gone down to the specifics of what exactly I needed. I had spelt out my dream on to paper. Being a practical man, I had not dreamt of a house with a sea facing balcony or a bungalow with numerous rooms that I would never ever really get to know. My dreams were more down to earth. A small house in a very decent locality, nothing too posh or luxurious. Not something that attracted attention all through the city. Just some place which was warm and cosy and sheltered me from the weather.
A few months into the year 2006 I started making the moves to make my dream come true. After checking out a few properties, I finally had my eye on one that promised to give the colors to my dream. I was all excited. My dream was going to see the light of day. I got the legal and financial nod and went about laying the bricks of my dream. It was a big strain on my purse but it was worth it. If everything went according to plan, come 2007 and I would have a place that truly belonged to me. Something that was born out of my dreams, my aspirations, my hard work and my money.
But alas.... it was not to be. My patience had to be tested. I was not to be given a dream house this early. I had to wait for some more time. My dreams were to remain dreams for some more time. The satisfaction of owning a place that I could call my own was not going to happen right away. The property I had invested my dreams, my hard earned money money was caught in a legal muddle. Apparently the legal advice that I had sought was not the best in town and I was now in a mess. I tried my best to break a compromise so as not to let the night consume my dreams. But... It was not up to me. The powers to be decided otherwise and I was in troubled waters. The thought of my beloved dream shackled in legal wrangles brought about great anguish in me. But I wanted to be positive. I did not want to get sucked into any kind of depression. Unwilling to get mowed down by disappointment I tried to take the philosophical view on things. It helped put back a smile on my face, mostly. But there were days like this day when I felt totally gloomy.
My thoughts were disturbed by the squeaking of the squirrels. There was a huge tree in front of my house. A couple of squirrels had made the tree their home. And now as I sat in my balcony pondering over things, I saw these squirrels scampering around on the tree. One of the branches of the tree had been cut and only a part of it was still remaining. My dad often placed rice, bread or chappathis on this cut branch which acted like a dining table for the squirrels. But unfortunately, this left the squirrels open to attack from the crows that frequented the tree. But I was really impressed by the positive attitude of these squirrels. They were not really bothered about the numerous ravens that tried to attack them. They were happily running around the tree, frolicking in the warmth of the December sun.
My thoughts were wandering around, but mainly based on the three things that were happening. Firstly, in a few hours the new year would be dawning. Secondly, the New Year was dawning and I was feeling sad, coz my dream for the year 2006 of owning a house of my own had not seen the light of day in 2006. And thirdly, the happy squirrels scampering on the tree. As I sat down for lunch, I got an idea. Yes, I did not have a home of my own yet. But at least I could make one for some one who is homeless. I went to the nearby market and brought a few things that I needed to put my plan into action. I spent the rest of the afternoon making a waterproof, rain resistant home for the squirrels....
Once I had finished the job, I felt great. Yes, I had many worries of my own. May be I was not happy that my dreams could not come true. But atleast I had provided a home for someone else and I felt very good about that. But atleast I had provided a shelter for someone. May be 2007 would provide me a house of my own.

The whole of the 2006 I had dreamt of having a house of my own, my first and only piece of real asset that I would have had on this whole big world. The only space that I could call as belonged to me, the one which I had earned from my own money. Not something that my father or grandfather had worked hard for and that I got on a platter. This was something for which I would have toiled. I always dreamt of one such place all my life. But this year, those dreams had begun to take shape and color. I had gone down to the specifics of what exactly I needed. I had spelt out my dream on to paper. Being a practical man, I had not dreamt of a house with a sea facing balcony or a bungalow with numerous rooms that I would never ever really get to know. My dreams were more down to earth. A small house in a very decent locality, nothing too posh or luxurious. Not something that attracted attention all through the city. Just some place which was warm and cosy and sheltered me from the weather.
A few months into the year 2006 I started making the moves to make my dream come true. After checking out a few properties, I finally had my eye on one that promised to give the colors to my dream. I was all excited. My dream was going to see the light of day. I got the legal and financial nod and went about laying the bricks of my dream. It was a big strain on my purse but it was worth it. If everything went according to plan, come 2007 and I would have a place that truly belonged to me. Something that was born out of my dreams, my aspirations, my hard work and my money.
But alas.... it was not to be. My patience had to be tested. I was not to be given a dream house this early. I had to wait for some more time. My dreams were to remain dreams for some more time. The satisfaction of owning a place that I could call my own was not going to happen right away. The property I had invested my dreams, my hard earned money money was caught in a legal muddle. Apparently the legal advice that I had sought was not the best in town and I was now in a mess. I tried my best to break a compromise so as not to let the night consume my dreams. But... It was not up to me. The powers to be decided otherwise and I was in troubled waters. The thought of my beloved dream shackled in legal wrangles brought about great anguish in me. But I wanted to be positive. I did not want to get sucked into any kind of depression. Unwilling to get mowed down by disappointment I tried to take the philosophical view on things. It helped put back a smile on my face, mostly. But there were days like this day when I felt totally gloomy.
My thoughts were disturbed by the squeaking of the squirrels. There was a huge tree in front of my house. A couple of squirrels had made the tree their home. And now as I sat in my balcony pondering over things, I saw these squirrels scampering around on the tree. One of the branches of the tree had been cut and only a part of it was still remaining. My dad often placed rice, bread or chappathis on this cut branch which acted like a dining table for the squirrels. But unfortunately, this left the squirrels open to attack from the crows that frequented the tree. But I was really impressed by the positive attitude of these squirrels. They were not really bothered about the numerous ravens that tried to attack them. They were happily running around the tree, frolicking in the warmth of the December sun.
My thoughts were wandering around, but mainly based on the three things that were happening. Firstly, in a few hours the new year would be dawning. Secondly, the New Year was dawning and I was feeling sad, coz my dream for the year 2006 of owning a house of my own had not seen the light of day in 2006. And thirdly, the happy squirrels scampering on the tree. As I sat down for lunch, I got an idea. Yes, I did not have a home of my own yet. But at least I could make one for some one who is homeless. I went to the nearby market and brought a few things that I needed to put my plan into action. I spent the rest of the afternoon making a waterproof, rain resistant home for the squirrels....
Once I had finished the job, I felt great. Yes, I had many worries of my own. May be I was not happy that my dreams could not come true. But atleast I had provided a home for someone else and I felt very good about that. But atleast I had provided a shelter for someone. May be 2007 would provide me a house of my own.

Happy New Year !!!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
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